Best Employee Training Videos Examples

October 8, 2024
Explore the best employee training video examples that boost engagement and enhance learning. Discover how top companies use creative videos to train, motivate, and educate their teams with AKOOL.

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Here’s a fact: employee training videos are more efficient and often more cost-effective than traditional training methods, like in-person seminars or week-long conventions.

But as technology advances, your employees and new hires expect their training experience to evolve, too. To give your employees the best training experience, you and your team must provide high-quality, interactive training. 

Not sure how to do that? No worries, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ll dive into the evolution of employee training, look into why training videos are compelling, and give you a list of the best employee training video examples so you can use an AI tool to replicate and build your company’s training library.

Let’s jump into it! 

The Evolution of Employee Training Videos

Gone are the days of sending your employees to week-long seminars to learn from professionals in person. As technology evolves and shifts, so does nearly everything else– including onboarding and employee training.

In the past, if an employee needed to learn a new skill, they would sign up for a professional conference, block off a week of work, travel to the conference center, and spend time learning from industry experts. Or, a trainer would come in-office, and employees would need to take a few hours out of their workday to sit with their team and learn new information.

These kinds of training conferences are not a bad thing. They provide excellent networking opportunities. But as great as they can be, they also pose a few problems, such as:

  • Limited learning opportunities
  • Expenses 
  • Location dependency 
  • Limited flexibility 

Needless to say, video training was a game changer when it was introduced. Over time, employee training videos have evolved from flat, low-budget recordings to high-quality, interactive productions, known as e-learning. And, thanks to AI video tools, e-learning training is now:

  • Time efficient
  • Cost-effective
  • Customizable to learner preferences 
  • Available on employee’s schedules 

Why Use Employee Training Videos?

83% of people say they prefer to learn education and informational content by watching a video. This means your employees are more likely to be engaged and learn new skills or company policies if the information is delivered by video content.

Employee learning and development are beneficial for ensuring skilled workers—and they’re good for the whole company. In fact, 43% of companies with an e-learning training program generate more income than those without dedicated employee training videos.

And, while your company enjoys a more significant profit margin, you can also expect to retain your employees for longer. E-learning programs increase employee retention from 25% to 60%, meaning you’ll spend less time searching for qualified candidates for open positions.

But, when you need to search for qualified candidates for your teams, employee training can be a selling point for job seekers. 83% of HR managers say training is beneficial for employee attraction. When job seekers understand your company’s dedication to improving their employee’s skills and knowledge base, they’ll be excited to apply to your company, as it’s a place where they can continue to grow and develop valuable skills.

Now that we know the benefits of e-learning let’s examine what makes a compelling training video.

What Makes an Effective Training Video?

We’ll be honest. Not every video is an effective tool for communicating new skills or company policies. Recording a video of someone in your HR department talking through a training session won’t cut it.

You must ensure your learning and development videos are effective and engaging. This is especially true considering that most of your employees want training that is easy to complete and understand.

So, how can you create a compelling training video? By focusing on creating engaging content that:

  • Uses storytelling techniques to keep the viewer engaged
  • Incorporates captions, subtitles, and transcriptions for easy skimming and better comprehension
  • Repeats critical information often, both visually and audibly

By incorporating visual and audible elements, you ensure your e-learning content connects with your team members' various learning styles. When your team can connect with content in a way that makes sense to them, they’re more likely to retain the information they can later put into practice on the job.

Types of Training Videos

Your e-learning library will be full of various types of training videos. Each training session is important to ensure that your employees know and understand company policy and have access to opportunities to level up their skill sets. 

You might include these kinds of videos in your library:

  • Onboarding videos: These videos are for new employees who need to learn the basics of their day-to-day workflows
  • Company policies video: These might include videos covering employee conduct, diversity, equity, and inclusion training, and company-wide initiatives
  • Product knowledge video: These videos are beneficial for teams to understand the tools they use for their job functions. You can also create these kinds of videos for new employees so they can understand the tools and services you provide for others.
  • Screenshare tutorials video: Screenshare tutorials are famous for providing step-by-step instructions and information through slide presentations. Tools like AKOOL can help you create avatars to present information as the video progresses. 
  • Department overview video: Department-focused videos are perfect for new employees. They can help employees understand the various roles and functions within the department.

Let’s look at a few examples of corporate training videos.

20 Examples of Corporate Training Videos

You can create tons of corporate training videos for your e-learning library, and there’s no shortage of topics to cover, either. You’ll want to cover everything from mental health awareness to safety training to soft skills.

To help you better understand how to present this information to your employees, we’ve found 20 learning and development videos for you. Take a look at these corporate training video examples to get an idea of what kinds of content you can create for your employees.

Mental Health Awareness Training 

1. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)

CCOHS’s four-minute training is a perfect example of an employee training video. This video uses both text and graphics to keep the viewer engaged throughout the video. At the end of the video, the narrator also provides a clear call to action to invite viewers to learn more about mental health awareness on their website.

2. Simplyhealth UK

Don’t think that a longer video is better for viewer engagement. Studies show that attention spans are decreasing, and you have just about two seconds to engage your audience. This training video from Simplyhealth UK is an excellent example of how to share valuable information in a short amount of time.

3. TBS Canada

TBS Canada uses eye-catching graphics to help convey their message. Using graphics with contrasting background colors helps to highlight the most critical information while keeping viewers engaged throughout the video.

Health and Safety Training

4. GotSafety

If your industry is required to provide periodic health and safety training according to regulations, a video is the quickest and easiest way to ensure your employees have access to the information. Plus, they can watch a video when their work schedule allows it. This video from GotSafety is an excellent example of how to create and share required training videos. 

5. Oregon Occupational Safety & Health (Oregon OSHA)

Depending on the topic, some employee training videos will be more in-depth than others. This video from Oregon OSHA is a perfect example of that. If you need to record a longer video, break it into chapters for easier access.

6. FQM Limited

FQM Limited uses a variety of elements to explain health and safety awareness. This video starts with a recording from Chris and transitions to various slides and graphics. Combining slides, graphics, and appearances from a trainer can help keep viewers’ attention for longer.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

7. The Root

The Root knows that incorporating video transitions can lead to higher viewer engagement. This video is an excellent employee training video example that incorporates various video editing elements. Each element has a purpose—to help make the content more accessible and engaging. 

8. SIPDC Trainer

SIPDC Trainer’s video uses an animated avatar to speak to the audience. Animated avatars help reduce production costs because you don’t need to set up a film studio or hire a professional actor. Plus, avatars are an easy way to provide an on-screen trainer to help keep viewers engaged.

9. Atana

Atana’s DEI training video is an excellent example of how to incorporate graphics and videos of people. You can recreate similar videos using an AI tool to create talking heads or avatars. 

10. PHRSConsulting

Want another example of an animated avatar? Check out this video by PHRSConsulting. The avatar helps educate the viewer about diversity in the workplace while also using its arms to point to important text on the screen.

Soft Skills

11. Self-Improvement Vault

Self-Improvement Vault uses engaging graphics to keep viewers watching. The design elements in this video keep the viewer wondering what image the narrator will draw next.

12. Self-Improvement Vault

Here is another excellent training video from Self-Improvement Vault. This video also uses graphic elements to help convey how to make small talk at work. 

13. The Training Minute

Soft skills training can be challenging to design. However, this video from The Training Minute shows it can be done– and done well! This video uses animation to help explain non-verbal communication and cues.

14. Skilling by Wadhwani Foundation

Communicating in the workplace is a skill many employees and employers should work on improving. Skilling by Wadhwani Foundation understands the importance of using texts, graphics, and music to help train employees to be better communicators.

Security and Compliance

15. takes a different approach to creating workplace training videos. Instead of using avatars, graphics, or slides, they record a video depicting an employee’s first day. This is a good option if you want to highlight good and bad workplace habits.

17. Security Quotient

Security Quotient understands the power of subtitles and captions. They use captions throughout this video to increase viewer’s understanding of the content. Plus, the use of graphics helps aid in understanding security training measures.

18. Usecure

Usecure’s security training video incorporates fun animations to help convey its message. This video also features audio and sound effects to draw attention to essential details in the video’s content.

Employee Conduct

19. Canity 

If your e-learning experience offers various modules, it might be a good idea to record an overview video to tell the viewer what they can expect to learn from their training. Canity’s overview video is an excellent example of that. Using graphics and texts, the viewer understands the training module will cover appropriate workplace behavior. 

20. Nationwide

Nationwide understands the power of graphics. In this video, you’ll notice no text is featured. Instead, as the narrator narrates the video, the graphics walk the viewer through 5 proper workplace etiquette tips. So, even if viewers watch the training video with the sound off, they’ll get a good idea of how to conduct themselves in the workplace.

Best Software for Effective Training Videos

Clearly, there are many different ways to create effective training videos. You can hire a production team to record fun office scenes or use AI video editing software to create animated slides with voice overs, animated avatars, or AI avatars of your HR team.

Here are some of the best software to create employee training videos. 


AKOOL is a Gen AI platform HR teams can use to create employee training and onboarding videos quickly. Using this tool, HR leaders can upload a photo of themselves to create their own avatar. Then, they can use their talking photo to explain company policies or videos without recording hours of video footage. 

Need to record your videos in multiple languages? No problem. AKOOL also offers a video translator, so you can create effective training materials with each of your employees in mind.

2. InVideo AI

If you’re looking to create videos using slides, subtitles, and video clips, consider InVideo AI. Using this tool, you’ll just enter your text and let the AI generator create your training videos for you. This tool is excellent for scaling video production without incurring extra costs.


VEED is more than just a video editing tool. You can also use it to produce AI-generated videos. With VEED, you can create AI avatars from photos. Plus, the videos you generate can include B-roll footage, voiceovers, captions, and animation. Each of these elements can increase viewer engagement. 

4. DeepBrain AI

Ready to create an avatar for your training videos that features natural text-to-speech? Consider testing out DeepBrain AI

DeepBrain AI allows users to choose from a list of premade avatars or customize their own personal avatar to speak and act like them. This tool is excellent for quickly scaling your e-learning library with branded videos of your actual or virtual HR trainers.

5. Steve AI

Steve AI is a fantastic option for creating animated videos. This tool can also be used to create live videos. 

Steve AI allows users to create videos from a prompt or an entirely written script. Plus, with over 300 AI avatars, users will surely find a speaker who will resonate with their employees. 

Leveraging AI for Your Training Efforts

Employee learning and development are necessary for companies that want to increase their bottom line while also retaining talented employees. With advancing AI technology, HR leaders can quickly create engaging, high-quality employee training videos at scale for their e-learning libraries.

If you’re ready to begin creating your training videos, consider trying out AKOOL. With AKOOL, you can create an avatar based on your own likeness. Or create a company mascot to act as your training avatar. The choice is yours! 

Frequently asked questions
How can AI training videos improve employee retention and performance?
Can AI training videos be customized for different learning styles?

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